School Supply Drive Happening Now!!
Jul 08, 2021
Our 3rd annual School Supply Drive is underway!
School supplies are crazy expensive, so we want to bless some families by ensuring their supplies are purchased for them.
First, pray for God to show you a family who would be blessed by having their school supplies purchased for them. Then, nominate them! We will be taking nominations online and via paper forms located on the table in the lobby at church. Please submit your nominations by July 25th! Click here to go to the nominations form: School Supply Drive Nomination Form
Second, pray about whether God is prompting you to purchase supplies for a family (you don't have to nominate a family to purchase supplies and vice versa!) You can even go in on purchasing supplies with someone else in the church. Teamwork makes the dream work! We will have envelopes in the lobby with the info for all nominated families from July 25th-August 8th. The envelopes will have the kids' info as well as supply lists for the schools they are attending so you'll be prepared for everything they need to be set up to have a great school year!
We want all supplies to be purchased and delivered by August 14th so the kids are ready to start on August 23rd.
If you are unable to purchase supplies at this time but are willing to help with delivery to families or other parts of this process, please let us know!
Thank you for helping kids in our community get their school years off to a great start!
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