We get to give.
The economy of God works in such a way that what we receive (money, power, success, stability, etc.) is God's to manage and ours to share.
As John Wimber, a founder of the Vineyard movement, said "I'm just change in His pocket, He can spend me however He chooses."

Send a check to our secure postal box:
P.O. Box 50008
Billings, MT 59105

Leave a tithe or offering in the marked boxes along the back wall of our sanctuary.
Transparency is terrific.
It is OK to have questions about how our church spends the funds given. If you would like to chat with us and get your questions answered, we would love to find some time.
Additionally, we have a Family Meeting once a year, when we talk about where we are headed, how we are doing, and what the current needs are. We give a full financial report during this time, so it is a great time to ask a question or two.