Spiritual Gifts Assessment | July 14th, 6pm

1 corinthians 12 ephesians 4 romans 12 spiritual gifts Jun 19, 2021

Spiritual gifts are abilities given to us by the Holy Spirit to bless others. In the Vineyard, we have a saying you'll hear often: "We get, to give." We receive these gifts from God to give to others.

Sometimes it's difficult to see our own giftings, which is why we will be doing a Spiritual Gifts Assessment on July 14th at 6pm. Please sign up online or via a connect card on Sunday, as Adam will be sending out information leading up to the assessment for preparation. 

Discover the gifts God has given you so you can bless and strengthen others and lead them to His love and mercy! 

Sign up at: Spiritual Gifts Assessment (breezechms.com)

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