Vineyard Church | Weekly Update November 27th, 2024

1 thessalonians 1 10 commandments 6+1 adam greenwell feast of tabernacles john 7 leviticus 23 rest restoration tabernacles ten commandments thanksgiving Nov 27, 2024

Just like that, we are into another holiday season at the Vineyard! High school winter sports have kicked off, we have had our chili feed, and the tree is up in the lobby, so all is right in the world. Before we get carried away with Advent (starts this Sunday), our Christmas Carol Sing-A-long (Dec 20 at 7:00 pm @ Thirsty Street Brewery), and our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service (4:00 pm on Dec 24), there is one other holiday to recognize and try to fit into our blogging on the 6+1 rhythm…

Thanksgiving as a feast or festival day is rooted in both scripture and the rhythm of life that reflects the order of creation. Sukkot, or the Feast of Tabernacles celebrates and remembers how God provided for the Nation of Israel during their wilderness journey (Leviticus 23). As time marched on, the Feast of Tabernacles also came to mark the bringing of the harvest and a celebration of God’s continued provision. For the Nation of Israel, this Thanksgiving feast was a reminder that all we have comes from God, and we can be grateful for that.

In the first letter to the church in Thessalonica, Paul wrote that we should “be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 1:18 NLT). Paul is referring to a posture that ought to carry through the 6+1 rhythm; first as thankfulness being a part of our daily work activity, but also as a discipline that we remember so that we can be reset, restored, and replenished on our day of rest. Thanksgiving is a part of worship, both in work and at rest.

After our Journey through the Ten Commandments, watching these commands become ten promises as we wove the Gospel of Jesus throughout, Thanksgiving resonates a bit more this year. Beginning with Exodus 20:2, the reality that God saved us from our slavery leads me to the place of gratitude, and that gratitude increases when I reflect on something that Jesus did at the Temple in Jerusalem during the Feast of Tabernacles. John’s Gospel records this:

37 On the last day, the climax of the festival, Jesus stood and shouted to the crowds, 37 Anyone who is thirsty may come to me! 38 Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his heart. (John 7:37-38 NLT)

Jesus offers us both the freedom from slavery and the promise of His Spirit living inside of us… Not only are we free, but we are also never alone or isolated, forever indwelled by the Spirit that imagined us, created us, and loves us. Faith in Jesus means that the worries of the world have no power, and this gives us much to be grateful for.

Thanksgiving is a day of remembrance and celebration. If you don’t have plans tomorrow, swing by the church to celebrate with your Vineyard family. We will eat at 2:00 pm but the party will start by noon.

If you are traveling, be safe! I am grateful for our Vineyard family and thank God for the gift we have in our church. Happy Thanksgiving my friends.

Adam Greenwell
Billings Vineyard Church |

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