Vineyard Church | Weekly Update November 6th, 2024
Nov 06, 2024
The 6+1 Rhythm… We have talked about the 6 and the “+,” and now we deal with the 1 as we move closer to creating a Vineyard rhythm that reflects Jesus' order and intention. To guide our journey, we are going to plant a few aiming posts that will allow us to stay oriented in the right direction.
The Gospel of Mark is a good place to start. In chapter 2, Jesus is challenged by the religious leaders of the area regarding His disciples picking the heads of grain to eat as they traveled next to a grain field. What bunched the britches of the religious was that this was happening on the sabbath, on the 1 of the 6+1, and this was a breach of the sabbath ritual and law they had created.
Jesus responds in verse 27 that the sabbath is meant to serve us, not us to serve the sabbath. This is foundational for building an understanding of what it is to rest, and what it means to sabbath well. The Sabbath, the entire sabbatical 6+1 rhythm, was designed to serve us, God’s creation. We have spoken about this as the manufacturer’s specifications, about what true order looks like, and true order is found when everything is working as it was designed.
So, how does the sabbath serve us, what role does the sabbath play in our healthy order? Sabbath is meant to recharge, reset, repair, and refill after 6 days of operating in our vocation and calling. Many people equate the sabbath with rest, and while rest is a part of the sabbath, rest also should be a part of the cycle of days during the 6 days of work. Sabbath, as demonstrated by God, is not meant to completely be time in the Holy Hammock, napping and being separated from other people.
Rest also comes with time in community worship, time in relationships apart from work, and time together. We will define rest a little more next time… Today I want to deal with this: How can we rest, how can we sabbath well when the world around us sometimes seems like a dumpster fire?
Today is the day after election day, but I am writing this before the polls open, so I have no idea what reality we face in the American political landscape. While I hope that peace will develop from all of this, there is a chance that we are all staring into the glow of yet another stage of dumpster fire. How can one rest in the midst of the chaos around us? First, remember what we talked about on Sunday, look in the mirror, and remind yourself “Don’t be a deist.”
Next, crack your Bible and land on Zephaniah 3. Read what the Prophet says about redemption in this chapter but take particular note of verse 17:
17 For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs. Zephaniah 3:17 (NLT)
With His love, He will calm your fears. Our loving Father calms us with love. Turn away from the dumpster and reflect on this. Have you felt this calm before? How might you feel it again? Where do you feel the love of God? How has God loved you in the past, and how might this point you towards feeling it today?
My prayer for us this week is that we would press into the calming presence of a loving Father and the urgency of the fallen world would fade in the face of Jesus, who is on the throne and actively reigning. Sabbath rest comes as our fears are calmed by the love of God.
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