Welcome Home Reception | January 21, 6pm

food reception vineyard usa welcome home who we are Dec 30, 2021

Upon entering our building, a prominent sign hanging in our foyer reads "Welcome Home." It is our hope that anyone coming to a church service, small group, or any other gathering in our building feels welcome and at home among us. Part of feeling at home is knowing the background of who we are, where we have come from, and more about our church family.

At our Welcome Home Receptions, hear our pastors discuss who we are as a local church and what it means to be a Vineyard Church, meet ministry leaders and other folks who call Vineyard home, and enjoy some delicious dinner!

Have you recently started attending the Vineyard over the past year? Or perhaps you have been attending for a while but have never come to a Welcome Home Reception. Whatever your situation, you are welcome!

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