Ministry Training Night | August 18th, 6pm

love of jesus ministry serving training Jul 15, 2021

Whether you are serving in a ministry or are interested in potentially jumping on board, this Ministry Training Night is for you!

From Worship and Tech to The Great Adventure, from Welcome Home Team to the Prayer Ministry and everything in between, our ministries serve our church family as well as visitors that come through our doors. Each of the ministries we offer overlap in important ways, and we all need to be on the same page as we enter into each Sunday as well as the time between the Sundays.

This training will provide everyone a chance to learn about the important responsibilities that come with serving on a Sunday and give hands-on practice opportunities. We will also give time for ministry-specific training.

If you are not yet serving in a ministry but are interested, this training will be a great opportunity for you to learn more about each ministry and meet the leaders, as well as to ask any questions you may have.

Join us for this important night! We appreciate the service you provide and the time you commit to ensuring our church community and visitors are shown the love of Jesus through our ministries!

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