Vineyard Church | Weekly Update August 9, 2023

adam greenwell billings vineyard church heroes of the faith summer of heroes weekly update Mar 26, 2024

Click here for this week's video.

This week at the Vineyard: We honor the new Great Cornholios, Trent and Erica, who were crowned in a nail-biter of a final match at our third annual Cornhole Tournament last Sunday.

We are well into the swing of our annual school supply drive! Several families remain who we can bless with school supplies. Pick up information in the table in our lobby on Sunday.

Mark your calendars for August 20th. After service, there will be a meeting of volunteers for the Great Adventure (our kids' ministry). We will have lunch and learn about a dynamic new curriculum we will be using this year, including an app for parents to keep up with what's going on in the Great Adventure and disciple kids in authentic faith between the Sundays. Everyone who volunteers in the Great Adventure, as well as anyone interested in volunteering, is welcome. Adam will start volunteering in the Great Adventure once a month this fall. Will you join him?

This Sunday, we will explore the stories of more Hebrews 11 heroes of the faith. Their faith grew out of encounters with God. Their weakness was turned to strength, which is a new reality for all who follow Jesus. Contrary to the culture around us, we know that increasing personal strength is not the same as health. Instead, the mark of our progress is to become more fillable by the Holy Spirit guiding us through troubles. Our relationship with Jesus can transcend the intellectual into the tangible when we experience God's faithfulness and love. Adam would love to hear your thoughts; share them with him by emailing [email protected].

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