Vineyard Church | Weekly Update December 4th, 2024 6+1 6+1 rhythm adam greenwell advent advent 2024 advent season billings vineyard church exodus 20 hope intelligent designer vineyard vineyard usa work and rest

I wonder if this one will be about the 6+1 rhythm… Exodus 20:8-11:8 “Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 You have six days each week for your ordinary work, 10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath day...

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Vineyard Church | Weekly Update November 20th, 2024 6+1 adam greenwell be calm be quiet be still billings churches billings vineyard church failure missing patient peace resting restoration restoring sabbath spiritual rest vineyard vineyard usa work and rest

I have witnessed some spectacular failures in my time. Some surprised me, others that there was some inkling that the plan wouldn’t work, but the final result exceeded my expectations of catastrophic demise. Some of these...

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Vineyard Church | Weekly Update October 30th, 2024 6+1 adam greenwell back surgery christ connection connection to christ exodus 20 focus rhythm sabbath work and rest

What a difference a week makes… Last week as our weekly email dropped, I was undergoing surgery on my spine to repair an injury that has been causing me pain for some time. I received so many messages of support and concern...

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