School Supply Drive Update!
bless a family
school supplies
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Envelopes containing family info and supply lists are available in the lobby at church! If you feel led to bless a family with school supplies, please pick out an envelope at the table and go shopping! We just ask that supplies...
All Categories 1 corinthians 10:24 1 corinthians 12 1 thessalonians 1 10 commandments 6+1 6+1 rhythm abide abraham adam greenwell adam's getting antsy advent advent 2023 advent 2024 advent season alpha amazing grace ambiguity anger back surgery backpacks bad leaders baptism sunday battles bbq be calm be known be quiet be seen be still being vessels belonging bible study biblical topics billings churches billings vineyard church bless a family blessings blood drive brad hudson breath prayer building fund cake candlelight career carols celebrate cheap grace childlike faith chili christ christ connection christian ghetto christmas christmas eve church consumerism coffee come holy spirit community compassion connection connection to christ consolation and desolation contempt context context walk cowabunga craft local created cultural christianity deck the halls defiance delicious diest dietrich bonhoeffer discipleship discussion distractions don't chase dont be a diest downtown ephesians 4 evaluation evangelism exodus 20 experiencing god extremes failure faith family family-friendly father fatherhood feast of tabernacles fellowship festive financial updates focus food free grace freedom friendship house fun galatians gather generosity goat head gospel god reigns god's ingluence gods direction gods plan good stewards grace grand examen gratitude great adventure great commission grief grilled animals growth harlan barnett hebrews 11 henri nouwen heroes of the faith hobby holy discontentment hope identity image of god incarnation individualism influance intelligent designer jenna greenwell jesus jesus heals john 7 john newton join jonah joy judgment keeping receipts kickoff lead leaders learn legalism legalistic leprosy letter to rome leviticus 23 light and breezy lockwood lord's prayer love of jesus mark mark 16 mark 2 mathew 28 meal men ministry missing mission momentum men's group monkey see monkey do moral injury murder music narratives new life noah nominate nothing new under the sun ordination outreach party pastor jenna patient paul peace peace in christ pentecost pete scazzero philemon pie pizza political peace prayer prayer night prosperity gospel psalm 139 reception replenish resistance rest resting restoration restoring rhythm rightnow media ritual romans romans 12 romans 16 romans 6 romans 6:3-4 rules sabbath sabbath day sacrifice save a life savior school supplies scripture second saturday seeker sensitivity sermon on the mount serve service serving silent night sing-a-long small groups snacks spirit spiritual gifts spiritual maturity spiritual rest study summer summer of heroes surgery symbolic tabernacles teamwork makes the dream work ten commandments testimony thanksgiving the lord's prayer time between the sundays tmnt training tribalism tuesdays turkey update vineyard vineyard usa vineyard values vineyardusa vulnerability weekley update weekly weekly update welcome home who we are wilderness work and rest worship worship night youth