Vineyard Church | Weekly Update July 12, 2023 billings vineyard church consolation and desolation heroes of the faith jenna greenwell summer of heroes weekly update

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This week at the Vineyard: While Adam is on vacation, Jenna brings us our weekly devotional. Mark your calendars for Sunday, August 6th because our annual Cornhole Tournament and festivities will...

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Vineyard Church | Weekly Update 05.04.2022 billings vineyard church breath prayer jenna greenwell sermon on the mount small groups the lord's prayer

Small group sign-ups are launching this Sunday! Check out all we have to offer and sign up for as many as you want. Groups are how we get to know each other and how we have fellowship as a family. 

We are in the midst of the...

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Romans | Chapter 16...And An Ordination! adam greenwell jenna greenwell letter to rome ordination pastor jenna paul romans romans 16

We have been in the book of Romans for 26 weeks, and Adam finishes with chapter 16. This chapter might be one that most people would skip over. It's just a bunch of names, right? However, it's worth noting that this chapter is...

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