Yes, the Defiance series is over…or is it? Yes. But not yet. I have a feeling that this series will have some legs in the life of our congregation. Defiance has served as a helpful paradigm to compare the difference between...
24 Suddenly, Festus shouted, “Paul, you are insane. Too much study has made you crazy!”
25 But Paul replied, “I am not insane, Most Excellent Festus. What I am saying is the sober truth. 26 And...
The last blog of our Defiance series… a time to evaluate what we will take on as an addition to our identity as the Vineyard, as the Body of Christ, what didn’t stick, and what might only be for our current season....
Monkey see, monkey do.… Yes, this again. First, I am a fan of monkeys. I can sit and watch them for hours and not be bored. I like monkey behavior so much, two of the gifs I send the most via text message are monkeys...
Monkey See, Monkey Do… the cycle of discipleship that replicates as seers become seen, but also a cycle that has no end on this side of the resurrection, as a seen monkey never loses the responsibility to see other monkeys....
I am not a huge fan of meetings. I lack the skill set that would lead me to excel at sitting in one place, “paying attention” for minutes on end, especially when I have to travel out of state to attend one of these...