Scum and vandalism… This is what I am thinking about today, let me see if I can draw a map to show how I got here.
The Son of Man came to seek and save those that are lost. If you have been with us so far this year, you...
On Sunday, Luke presented us with the narrative of Jesus’ desert experience, His time of testing by the enemy of God, and how His victory over this testing reflects His mission to seek and save the lost. Jesus resisted the...
Some of the largest exhales in history (my history) come after preaching about sin. This past Sunday, as we unpacked how the message of John the Baptist fits into the unfolding plan of God, my exhale wasn’t as large and long...
We are off and running in a new year, a new teaching series, and prepping for a new small group season… so much newness, and yet so much feels the same as last January, the January before, and the January before the January...
Click here for this week's video.
This week at the Vineyard: Fall small group registration is live on! One of the small groups this fall is the Alpha course, a small group launching on September 20th that...
Click here for this week's video.
This week at the Vineyard: We continue our launch into fall! Coffee and Christ, our adult Sunday school, launches on September 10th. Vineyard Youth launches on September 13th, and OG (our 60+...
Click here for this week's video.
This week at the Vineyard: We pray for Florida and our Convoy of Hope partners who are already in action, serving those who will be affected by Hurricane Idalia.
We are kicking off fall with a bang!...
Click here for this week's video.
This week at the Vineyard: We head into the new school year, wishing kids all the best and hosting Highlands Latin Cottage School in the lower level of the building two days a week. It's our honor...