Whether you are serving in a ministry or are interested in potentially jumping on board, this Ministry Training Night is for you!
From Worship and Tech to The Great Adventure, from Welcome Home Team to the Prayer Ministry and...
Join us as Pastor Adam talks Spiritual Warfare: what it is, what it looks like, why we need to know about it, and what is our role in it. Register here: Spiritual Warfare Workshop.
Our 3rd annual School Supply Drive is underway!
School supplies are crazy expensive, so we want to bless some families by ensuring their supplies are purchased for them.
First, pray for God to show you a family who...
"Have you forgotten that when we were joined with Christ Jesus in baptism, we joined him in his death? For we died and were buried with Christ by baptism. And just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the...
Thank you to all who came out for the epic cornhole battle on Saturday, June 26th! We had a blast! Everyone feasted on delicious food and then faced their foes with bean bags in hand. Prize winners were announced at the end of the...
Spiritual gifts are abilities given to us by the Holy Spirit to bless others. In the Vineyard, we have a saying you'll hear often: "We get, to give." We receive these gifts from God to give to others.
Sometimes it's difficult to see...
If you joined our church in the chaos that was 2020, or are new within the last 5 months, join us Friday night, June 11th for a Welcome Home reception. We will have some delicious snacks and cake, and you will learn more about our...
Join us at Friendship House (3123 8th Avenue S) this Saturday morning at 8am! We will be moving mulch from the street to spread out on their playground. Bring your wheelbarrows, sturdy rakes, and shovels! Of course, you can show up...
1 Corinthians 10:24 ends with ...for the good of others.
This summer the men of the...